{"texto": [{"word": "Britain", "level": "c", "type": "2"}, {"word": "is", "level": "2", "type": ""}, {"word": "an", "level": "c", "type": ""}, {"word": "island", "level": "s", "type": "2"}, {"word": ".", "level": "p", "type": "2"}], "line": [{"title": "britain island", "text": "Britain is an island , and BritainĀ“s history has been closely connected with the sea . Until modern times it was easy to travel across water as it was across land , where roads were frequently unusable . At moments of great danger Britain has been saved from danger by its surrounding seas . BritainĀ“s history and its strong national sense have been shaped by the sea . But Britain has not always been an island . It became one only after the end of last ice age . The temperature rose and the ice cap melted , flooding the lower-lying land that is now under the North Sea and the English Channel .", "type": "isla de britania"}]}